Condensation describes the process of water vapour returning back to liquid form on a surface. A normal household will produces several litres of water vapour over the course of a day and this can cause problems in many residential properties. Unless the property is ventilated effectively the water vapour condenses on cold surfaces, such as windows and walls.
Ventilating rooms, especially bathrooms and kitchens, can be very challenging in many circumstances but if it is not achieved then the resulting condensation will lead to mould growth.
A poorly ventilated, condensation rich environment is ideal for mould growth which can result in blackened window frames, damp patches and visible mould patches on walls. If the problem is particularly bad then the mould growth may also occur on clothing and sift furnishings as well.
Prevention of condensation is achieved through adequate ventilation on a daily basis. Ideally this should happen three times a day allowing the moisture rich air from within the house to be exchanged with colder, dryer air from outside.
Causes of Condensation
Condensation problems are caused by increased humidity in a house combined with a lack of ventilation. When the moisture heavy air hits cold surfaces the water condenses and forms water droplets – these in turn cause damp surfaces and an environment that mould growth can thrive in.
For advice on treating condensation and the effects contact SHD Property Care today.